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N2O emissions from agroecosystem, sources, sinks and mitigation strategies

发布时间:2018-06-07   文章作者:胡健  浏览次数:

题目:N2O emissions from agroecosystem, sources, sinks and mitigation strategies

报告人:Lars R Bakken, Norwegian University of Life Sciences




Lars Reier Bakken,professor at Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He formed the NMBU Nitrogen group (http://www.nmbu.no/en/research/groups/nitrogen) together with Åsa Frostegård and Peter Dörsch. They have become a robust and productive group, breaking barriers in the research on physiology of microbial nitrogen transformations and the formation of NO and N2O. They are well integrated into the international network of leading biochemistry and microbiology nitrogen research groups, hosting many guest researchers from US, Europe, China and Oceania (2-4 per year, 2-6 months each)



Citation scores:

ISI Web of science, Core collection:  121 papers, 4800 citations, H-index 41

Google Scholar:    182 papers, 8300 citations, H-index 54


Lim NYN, Frostegård Å, Bakken LR (2018) Nitrite kinetics during anoxia: The role of abiotic reactions versus microbial reduction  Soil Biology and Biochemistry 119:203-209.

Bakken LR, Frostegård Å (2017) Sources and sinks for N2O, can microbiologists help to mitigate N2O emissions. Environmental Microbiology 19: 4801-4805

Lycus P, Bøthun KL, Bergaust L, Shapleigh JP, Bakken LR, Frostegård Å (2017) Phenotypic and genotypic richness of denitrifiers revealed by a novel isolation strategy. The ISME Journal. In Press.

Hassan J, Qu Z, Bergaust LL, Bakken LR (2016) Transient Accumulation of NO2- and N2O during Denitrification Explained by Assuming Cell Diversification by Stochastic Transcription of Denitrification Genes. PLOS Computational Biology12(1): e1004621. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004621

Qu Z, Wang J, Almøy T, Bakken LR (2014) Excessive use of nitrogen in Chinese agriculture results in high N2O/(N2O+N2) product ratio of denitrification, primarily due to acidification of the soils. Global Change Biology 20:1685-1698

Liu B, Frostegård Å, Bakken LR (2014) Impaired reduction of N2O to N2 in acid soil is due to a post transcriptional intereference with the expression of nosZ. mBio 5(3): e01383-14. doi:10.1128/mBio.01383-14